Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Choco Coffee 8 in 1

An all-natural, healthier alternative can be found in the stimulating ingredients of First Vita Plus Choco Coffee 8-in-1. The great taste of coffee and chocolate combined. This drink is flavored by combining chocolate powder with the instant coffee powder, blended further by extracts of home-grown herbs, to help give you that extra push and vitality whenever you need it.

Ingredients: Cocoa Powder, Coffee Powder, stabilizer, Chocolate Flavor, Sucrose, Non-Dairy Creamer, Skim Milk, Salt, Vanillin, Coffee Flavor, Ginseng, Agaricus, Gotu Kola, Spirulina, Tongkat Ali, Power Herbs (ipomea, moringa, capsicum, amaranthus, corchorus).

Know the Herbs:

Ginseng: Commonly used as an adaptogen, meaning it normalizes physical functioning depending on what the individual needs (for example, it will lower high blood pressure, but raise low blood pressure).  It is also used to reduce the effects of stress, improve performance, boost energy levels, enhance memory, and stimulate the immune system.

Agaricus Mushroom: Commonly called “ Mushroom” in Portuguese, Agaricus has been a big hit in the past few years with its recognition as an alternative treatment support for many diseases including cancer, known as a health supplement boosting the immune system to avoid getting sick.The most commonly known health Food supplement in the past few years.

Gotu Kola:  Anti-anxiety; anti-stress; increase the brain's oxygen supply; improves concentration; prevention against leprosy, cancer, skin disorders, arthritis, hemorrhoids and tuberculosis; relieves high blood pressure; blood purifier; strengthens the heart; anti-rheumatism, helps solve bowel problem; detox facilitator; immune system booster; aphrodisiac; anti-aging.

Spirulina:  Spirulina is 100% natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source. For a long time (centuries) this algae has constituted a significant part of the diet of many communities. Since the 1970′s, Spirulina has been well known and widely used as a dietary supplement.

Spirulina contains rich vegetable protein (60~ 63 %, 3~4 times higher than fish or beef ), multi Vitamins (Vitamin B 12 is 3~4 times higher than animal liver), which is particularly lacking in a vegetarian diet. It contains a wide range of minerals (including Iron, Potassium, Magnesium Sodium, Phosphorus, Calcium etc.), a high volume of Beta- carotene which protects cells (5 time more than carrots, 40 time more than spinach), high volumes of gamma-Linolein acid (which can reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease).
The Health Benefits of Spirulina
 Boost the Immune System
  • Improve Digestion
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Build Endurance
  • Nature’s Detoxifier – Cleanse the body
  • Boost Energy Levels
  • Control Appetite
  • Maintain Healthy Cardiovascular function
  • Support the Liver and Kidneys
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Benefit People Who Suffer from Allergies
  ...more on Spirulina and its health benefits click here:  

Tongkat Ali:  Tongkat Ali was dubbed the "Asian Viagra" in a May 1999 report in the New Sunday Times.
It has been used in Malaysia for many years by men to increase sexual desire, libido, sexual performance and to treat erectile dysfunction.  Tongkat ali appears to work by increasing levels of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, mood, fertility, and sexual desire.  Learn more:

Power Herbs:

Moringa Oleifera is planted throughout the Philippines in settled areas at low and medium altitudes.

Scientific research has proven that these humble leaves are in fact a powerhouse of nutritional value. It can help rebuild weak bones, help enrich anemic blood and aid in the nourishment of breastfeeding babies. Ounce per ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.

Capsicum frutescens is found throughout the Philippines plated here and there about dwellings but also thoroughly established in open, waste places in settles areas.
Its fruit is a popular condiment. The leaves are used as vegetable; an excellent source of calcium and iron, a good source of phosphorus and vitamins A and B.
It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and also serves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, alterative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative.

Nutritional Value Pungent principle, capsaicin; solanine; vitamin A and B; citric acid; palmitic acid; capsicin; oleoresin; volatile and fixed oils; pentosans, 8.28%; pectin, 3.2%.

Corchorus Olitorius is ever-present in clearings, farms and waste places in the Philippines.

Reported to be demulcent, deobstruent, diuretic, lactagogue, purgative and tonic, it may also be a remedy for aches and pains, dysentery, enteritis, fever and pectoral pains.

Nutritional Value
Per 100 g., the leaves are reported to contain 43-58 calories, 80.4-84.1 g h20, 4.5-5.6 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 7.6-12.4 g total carbohydrate , 1.7-2.0 g fiber, 2.4 g ash, 266-366 mg Ca, 97-122 mg P, 7.2-7.7 mg Fe, 12 mg Na, 444 mg K, 6410-7850 ug beta carotene equivalent, 0.13-0.15 mg thiamine, 0.26-0.53 mg riboflavin, 1.1-1.2 mg niacin and 53-80 ascorbic acid. Leaves contain oxydase and chlorogenic acid.

Amaranthus Spinosus is found throughout the Philippines at lowlands and low altitudes.

It functions as a good expectorant and an effective astringent especially in stopping liquid bowels. Locally, it has been reported that a decoction of the root relieve one’s breathing from acute bronchitis.

Nutritional Value
The dried leaves contain (per 100g) 267 - 276 calories, 20 - 34.4% protein, 2 - 4.5% fat, 45 - 54% carbohydrate, 9.8 - 10.4% fibre, 16.6 - 24% ash, 1795 - 5333mg calcium, 333 - 460mg phosphorus, 13.5 - 152.7mg iron, 13 - 37mg sodium, 337 - 3528mg potassium, 27.9 - 40.8mg beta carotene equivalent, 0.06mg thiamine, 2.02mg riboflavin, 7.7 - 8.6mg niacin and 503mg ascorbic acid.

IPOMOEA BATATASIpomoea batatas is a warm season crop extensively cultivated in the Philippines. It can easily be planted any time of the year and propagated from stem cuttings.

Its roots are high in calories and vitamin A and the leafy tops are eaten as vegetables. The tops, especially purplish ones are used for diabetes and the crushed leaves are applied to boils and acne.

Nutritional Value
Ipomoea batatas contains calcium, 30; magnesium, 24; potassium, 373; sodium, 13; phosphorus, 49; chlorine, 85; sulphur, 26; and iron, 0.8 mg/100 g; iodine, 4.5 g/kg; manganese, copper, and zinc are present in traces.

All these blended herbs increase energy and hormonal levels to help the body to naturally produce the appropriate hormones essential for energy, vitality, and mental stimulation.

22g per sachet / 20 sachets per box

Net wt.: 22g/sachet x 20 packs

*This dietary supplement product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.


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